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Early Learning Foundations 2

Teacher Instructions Week 5

Rock B & F

Auditory Hunt

Purpose:Improve auditory processing ability.

Note: If you do not have time to learn this new variation on auditory sequential processing then continue with the ones you have done in the past.


Do NOT show objects ahead of time. This is a totally auditory game.

1. Hide two more very familiar objects than child's current auditory processing level. i.e. if they can do four, you have six items hidden 

2. Say,"Touch fish, airplane, fork, car." (for example)

3. Pull away cover and watch what order is chosen.

4. If child begins to make an incorrect choice, HIDE items again and give exact same sequence again. You do not want to waste any time with child giving you the wrong answer

5. After a correct response, celebrate. Be sure to HIDE the objects and move them around or exchange some for other object to play again.

6. Quit the game before child gets tired of it. "Leave them wanting more."

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