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Early Learning Foundations 2

Teacher Instructions Week 23

Cross Creep Backward


  • Develops organization of the midbrain area of the brain.

  • Positively impacts the endocrine and immune systems.

  • Encourages lateralization development (establishing dominance for eye, ear, hand and foot to improve long term memory).

  • Can improve eye-hand coordination and convergence.

Supplies: Floor mats, carpet or soft grass


  • Client gets in a position on hands and knees.

  • Hand and opposite knee move backwards and hit ground at the same time. Sometimes this is difficult so assistant(s) can help motor client through the proper movements.

  • The other hand and opposite knee then move backwards and land on the ground at the same time.

  • Synchronization and smooth rhythmic movements are important for growing the nerve pathways in the brain correctly so assistance may be needed for the first few months.

  • Slow motions are ok at first so the brain can process and learn something new.

  • Once client is comfortable with cross creep backwards you can vary the speed-sometimes slow or medium or fast.

  • Fingers remain flat on floor and straight ahead.

  • Head is up and eyes look forward except for an occasional glance backwards for safety.

Spin With Partner

Spin with Partner is done with two individuals. Both stand face to face, cross arms and hold hands. Staying in one general location, both start to spin to the right for three rotations. Stop abruptly and spin the other direction for three rotations. Repeat.Purpose: This activity works on the individuals vestibular balance. This balance is strategic to safely riding a bicycle, balancing for hopping and knowing where your body is in space.

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