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Early Learning Foundations 2

Teacher Instructions Week 13

Visual Digit Span Test Kit

Purpose: To assess the level of visual processing ability. This is the same as visual short term memory. This is done one time only to determine current visual function.

Supplies: Visual Digit Span Test Kit


  • Print the test kit in the handout below.

  • Cut out all the sequences

  • Locate the four digit sequences with four numbers on them.

  • Show one sequence for three seconds and then hide it.

  • Student tells you each of the individual numbers by memory.

  • This is a visual activity so you do not say anything. Simply show the card.

  • Correct responses on the first try for two cards out of three indicates a functioning level.

  • Next, locate the three sequences with five numbers on them.

  • If client repeats the numbers back to you but out of order, this is a miss.

  • If client leaves out a number, this is also a miss.

  • Continue testing at the next level until client misses three out of four.

  • Once you determine the visual processing level of a client, begin working at the next level.

General Goals for Visual Processing Test Kit:

  • 4 for a four year old

  • 5 for a five year old

  • 6 for a six year old

  • At least a 7 for a seven year old, teen or adult.


Auditory Digit Span Test Kit

Purpose: To assess the level of visual processing ability. This is the same as visual short term memory. This is done one time only to determine current visual function.

Supplies: Auditory Digit Span Test Kit

Please see the handout for details.


#15 Rocking on Hands & Knees

Purpose: Integrates STNR (Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex), develops eye accommodation for near and far point and improves posture for better breathing and processing.

Supplies: See handout. A pillow is helpful but not necessary.



  • Client gets into a creeping position (on hands and knees) and then sits back on heels. Tops of feet can rest on floor or each foot can be vertical with only the toes on the floor.

  • Can place a pillow on top of heels to sit on. This is very comfortable.

  • Hands remain on the floor and arms are stretched forward in front of face.

  • Rock the body forward and up into the creep position.

  • Then sit back and bounce up again.

  • Repeat for 15 to 30 seconds every day.

  • Add 15 seconds each day to build up to 2 minutes duration unless otherwise specified on INP.



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