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Early Learning Foundations 3

Teacher Instructions Week 7

Crawl (Cross)


Instructions: Show client how to crawl. Coach by concentrating on one or two aspects of improvement at a time. Slowly build up to time indicated on program.

Coaching Tips:

Crawling Games (Optional) 

Note: For any of these games that involve the child carrying objects, it is important for the child to have a pocket or pouch to hold the object while he or she is transporting it so that hands can remain free to crawl. Bib-overalls, fanny packs or small pouches can be used, worn in a way that will not interfere with the child's movement.

Variation With Listening:

Client should be on the floor for the full time listed on INP either crawling or resting briefly. (Build up to crawling the full duration of time listed.) 

    • To reverse recklessness, cruelty, self-mutilation and feelings of loneliness, abandonment and despair. 

    • To rebuild damaged connections caused by abuse, neglect, trauma, adoption at any age, war zones and high fevers. 

    • To improve ocular/brain connections for smooth side-to-side eye tracking needed for reading.

    • Forearm hits the ground at the exact same time as the opposite knee

    • Hands are open, palms on floor, fingers forward, arms are parallel 

    • Keep tummy on the floor

    • Push off with big toes to propel body forward

    • If client cannot crawl correctly, then assistant(s) can help motor the correct motions with client in a stationary position and/or while client moves forward.

    • Do NOT occlude an eye during this activity.

    • Red Light, Green Light 

    • Block Building: (Need blocks) Blocks are placed at one end of the room. Parent and child are at the other end. Child goes back and forth to get blocks. (Could be pieces to a puzzle) 

    • Bubbles: (Need bubble soap) Blow bubbles at the other end of the room. Child crawls to pop them.


    To improve organization of thought, bonding, empathy, behavior, appropriate sense of pain and interpretation of social signals. 

    • Assistant reads with a strong voice-lessons like history, science, literature as well as jokes and riddles as client crawls. If client is crawling in a hallway, assistant sits in the middle so that client is able to hear what is being said. Assistant asks questions every once in a while to engage client in conversation and laughter. 

    • An audio CD can be played on a boom box but an assistant is needed to stop the recording every few minutes to engage client in conversation, discussion and review of lessons/literature.

Auditory Digit Span Test Kit

Purpose: To assess the level of visual processing ability. This is the same as visual short term memory. This is done one time only to determine current visual function.

Supplies: Auditory Digit Span Test Kit

Please see the handout for details.


Auditory Digit Span 

Purpose: To develop auditory processing ability to improve short-term memory, attention span, ability to follow directions, phonics and maturity.

Please refer to handouts for more information.

Note frequency on INP. Keep high intensity. Start at one number above where client tested on ADS score.

  • Watch the video clips for introduction, demonstration and bridging.

  • Call out numbers using a monotone voice.

  • Say, "thousand" to yourself in between each number.

  • First goal is to get it right on the third try, then over time by the second, then first try.

  • Reinforce with incentives.

Note: It is very difficult to move to the next level so encourage client to get it right on the third try. The neurological benefit is in the attempt. If the client gets it wrong, that is okay because we are pushing them to the next level. The benefit to the brain is in attempting to remember, not getting it correct.


Visual Digit Span-Reverse 

Purpose: Improves visual processing (visual short term memory).

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