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Early Learning Foundations 3

Teacher Instructions Week 23

Lift Off Page - Step 9

Spin With Partner

Spin with Partner is done with two individuals. Both stand face to face, cross arms and hold hands. Staying in one general location, both start to spin to the right for three rotations. Stop abruptly and spin the other direction for three rotations. Repeat.Purpose: This activity works on the individuals vestibular balance. This balance is strategic to safely riding a bicycle, balancing for hopping and knowing where your body is in space.

Decimal City

Decimal City was designed to help students understand our decimal system. It also encourages students to be aware of numbers in the environment and how numbers help us every day. Each day, in Week 23 Input Sessions, there will be a "story" about Decimal City and an Instruction A/V on how to build each part of the "city." You are encouraged to leave this display up for several weeks so students can get a picture in their head of numbers they are writing and reading.

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