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Early Learning Foundations 1

Teacher Instructions Numbers 12 & 13

Auditory Object Sequence

This week do this once with each student to find out where their auditory sequential (holding things together in correct order as dictated) processing tests. Start doing the activity daily in Week 2. Give sequences one above where they tested.

Purpose: This is a word game for improving ability to process spoken language.


  • Say a list of familiar objects such as ( car, truck, plane, boat, bicycle).

  • Use a monotone voice.

  • Say, "thousand" to yourself between each word.

  • After listening to the whole series, client repeats them back to you in the exact same order.

  • Start with three objects and work toward four and five objects as they are able to do more.

  • Go in a different direction each time you read the chart, sometimes down each column, sometimes across each row, sometimes backwards.

  • Use reinforcement- some sort of reward to make him pay close attention.


Number of the Day

Procedure: Starting with pages that teach 12 and above, when the student locates the “Number of the Day”, he will say the number and then count from 10 to the number he is currently working on. In a classroom, one student may be assigned to do this as the others watch or several students can take turns.

Example: When the student sees the number 14, he will say, “14” (if he can’t remember the number, tell him what it is). Then he counts from 10 to 14, saying each number aloud, “10, 11, 12, 13, 14!” If this is too difficult for your student, model the activity for him by doing the procedure above followed by the student repeating what you just demonstrated.

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